
Yes Great Beads

Friday 13 March, 2015

for over a years I have been making stretch bracelets and love it and I am able to sell them to continue my beading habit. I don't know why it took me this long to find you but I just place my first order last weekend and got them today not 30-45 days like do when I am buying from overseas. I have to tell you the quality, size, options and pricing is perfect I can stay with in my budget to keep the cost down on beads and continue with my hobby. my eyesight is not what it use to be but with a good ott light I can spend hours watching T.V. and designing awesome bracelets.. thank you so much for been here and having really really good products, I did try the surprise pendant... it was a resin eagle not my style but you win some and lose some. I like my glass and stone Items I am still very happy. Thanks.
Testimonial By: Jakarta Malone-Wheatley — Trotwood, OH, United States

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